Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Custom Hydro Hopper

Kittenlova just got bored with ordinary Hydro Hopper, so she:
  • Let Kirby play
  • Gave the boat a bigger wake
  • Got cookies involved.

Thursday, 18 December 2008


hi we havent done the catalog secrets before so when the next catalog comes out i will post the cheats

bye from

Non-Membership for kittenlova

Hi guys it's Rebel kittenlova's back to being a non member but soon will be a member again

Tuesday, 16 December 2008


(KARCPB stands for Kittenlova and Rebel's Club Penguin Blog) Recently, we were lucky enough to get sponsored by Cook Kirby. And Kirby rubbed off on me.

Funny pic

hi It's Rebel again I made a funny pic in like 10 minutes

I'm a Ninja

Hi guys it's me Rebel i'm finally a ninja woohoo i'll show ya some pics

Theres a catalog for members only

Sunday, 14 December 2008

My Gold Shark Jaws and Me

Rebel goes diving in Kittenlova79's fish tank, and unfortunately encounters the golden shark hiding in the seaweed, name of Jaws. (I really ought to have let him free in the depths of the sea...)

Kittenlova's Mini-me

Kittenlova79 is in service. When Club Penguin has extreme rides taken into the picture, Kittenlova's mini-me (also known as Missy) isn't tall enough. So, Missy jumps in Kittenlova's rucksack, and Missy can go on the rides.

Rebel's been kidnapped in his own igloo

Yes it's true Rebel and his teddy bear squigy are imprisoned in his own igloo by EVIL TEDDY BEARS WITH TIES AHHH we cannot rescue him because they threaten to open his christmas presents OH MY GOD!!!

Kittenlova and Rebel strike back!!

Meanwhile, Rebel takes notice that Kittenlova only got eaten up by the sofa, so, whacking the sofa with a hockey stick, he freed Kittenlova. Then Kittenlova went and played Puffle Round Up until she had enough money to encage the evil seat. Rebel... Well, Rebel just wandered off somewhere. Then Kittenlova79 encages the sofa just in time, for her trusty puffles were about to get eaten. Kittenlova ends it all by securing the cage with a curvy table, and then cheers "Woo hoo!"

Kittenlova Got Possessed... By A Sofa

Recently, my sofa has been acting very weird. It always ejects my puffles when they manage to get onto it, and just recently... IT POSSESSED ME!!!
Meanwhile, Rebel443 looks on in fear because he is going to be possessed by the sofa. (Next Halloween, 'The Night of the Living Sled' should be replaced by 'The Sofa that possessed Kittenlova79')

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Aye Yaa

THERE ARE NINJA'S ON CP AHHH hey guys it rebel443 you can become ninja's on cp but its rather hard you play a game called Card jitsu

you work up a certain number of belts till you are a black belt then you have to beat sensei and you get to become a ninja