Saturday, 4 October 2008


After a long 2 months Kittenlova79 is finally back (About time!) As you can see, she's bought in two more funny pics for you to look at above. And in case you can't read the writing on the 1st one, it says, (It's a good thing I don't have speakers...)

Time to get the news in here. The fall fair is on until tomorrow (BOO! HISS!)
The Halloween stuff is out. Here's how to get that dingy Golden Helmet (ooh! aah!)
  1. Go into the gift shop catalog.
  2. Click on the pumpkin next to Frankenpenguin until it shows the Blue Viking helmet.
  3. Click the yellow puffle on the Colours page.
  4. There's a Golden Helmet for you to gawk at right on your screen!
And the other secret- Go to the page with the ghost and skeleton. Click on the left-hand torch. There you go! A black super hero mask. (Next time SQUIDZOID comes out, I bagsy Shadow Gal's part. And Rebel's gonna have to be Gamma Guy! Or did I get them mixed up...)
That's just about all the news I can offer you. G'day!

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